WMTW Building and Yankee Power House

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From left to right:
- The terminus of the cog railway
- Somebody's microwave dish
- The WHOM main antenna
- The Yankee Power House building (destroyed by fire, 2003-02-09)
- The WHOM backup antenna
- The former WMTW/WHOM transmitter and generator building
(destroyed by fire)
- Weather instruments for the Mt. Washington Observatory
- The former backup WMTW antenna
- The former main WMTW antenna
To my left is the Tip Top House and the summit; immediately behind
me is the Sherman Adams Summit Building, which houses the visitor
center, gift shop, and Mt. Washington Observatory.
See Also
- All the other photos in this gallery!
Copyright 2002, Garrett A. Wollman. All rights reserved. Photograph taken 2002-06-29.