Maine, June, 2005
Our whirlwind trip around New England continues with stops in Maine
(including an overnight visit to one station). Thanks as always go to
Bob and Raisa Bittner for their hospitality. Thanks also to the
chief of Saga Portland, Andy Armstrong.
The galleries for this trip are organized by state:
WJTO reception |
WJTO sign |
WJTO office window |
Old bumper stickers |
WJTO air studio |
WJTO record library |
Old WJTO studio |
WJTO rack |
WJTO public file |
WJTO correspondence |
WJTO tower base |
WJTO studios |
WJTO tower |
Lake Bittner |
WMGX tower |
WMGX guy anchor |
Old WMGX/WYNZ tower base |
WMGX transmitters |
WGAN phasor |
WYNZ transmitters |
WGAN transmitters |
Saga promo van |
WGAN tx bldg |
WPOR tower |
WPOR, WMSJ antennas |
WPOR tx building |
WPOR transmitters |
WZAN tx bldg. |
Half of WZAN |
WZAN tx bldg. |
WZAN phasor |
Andy and his transmitters |
WZAN racks |
WZAN Harris builder's plate |
WZAN generator |
Copyright 2005 Garrett Wollman. All rights reserved.