One day in September, 2005, I decided to drive out to Worcester
and take some photos with my new camera. It turned out to be more
of an architecture outing than a radio trip, but I did get in most
of the major stations.
Stiles Hill tower |
WICN antenna |
Top 1/2 of Stiles Hill tower |
WUNI/WICN tx bldg. |
WTAG towers |
WTAG tx bldg. |
WTAG/WSRS studios |
WSRS tower |
WSRS aux tower |
Yankee Building |
Not WAAF? |
W1XOJ tower |
WYDN tower |
WNEB tx bldg. |
WNEB tower |
Worcester City Hall, south façade |
Worcester City Hall, Main St. façade |
Worcester City Hall clock tower |
Worcester City Hall clock tower detail |
Worcester City Hall clock face |
Worcester City Hall, east façade |
Worcester City Hall, east façade |
Worcester City Hall detail |
Worcester City Hall detail |
T&G building |
T&G signage |
WBZ-TV Worcester bureau |
Worcester architecture |
Bank of Boston Tower |
WCUW antenna |
More downtown Worcester |
More downtown Worcester |
More downtown Worcester |
Worcester Public Library |
Notre-Dame-des-Canadiens |
More Notre Dame |
Notre Dame detail |
Remnants of old business |
Architectural detail |
Wesley United Methodist Church |
St. Paul's |
St. Paul's |
St. Paul's detail |
St. Paul's main entrance |
6 Chatham Street |
6 Chatham Street entrance |
WCPA Chase St. façade |
Old WICN sign |
Chestnut Street Congregational Church |
Chestnut Street Congregational |
Back side of Chestnut Street Congregational |
Chestnut Street Congregational outbuilding |
Side view of Chestnut Street Congregational |
Chestnut St. Congregational north tower |
Chestnut Street Congregational gargoyle |
Worcester Historical Museum |
Worcester Central C.O. |
Worcester Central C.O. |
Worcester C.O. detail |
Euro-style guide sign |
Worcester Memorial Auditorium |
Rt. 146 construction |
Copyright 2005 Garrett Wollman. All rights reserved.