WUNR/WRCA/WKOX construction progress, December 2007
We have chronicled the ongoing saga of the project to upgrade
the facilities of WUNR (1600 Brookline), WRCA (1330 Waltham, to be
Watertown), and WKOX (1200 Framingham, to be Newton) on a couple
of occasions before, in March,
2006, and in April, 2007. The
new five-tower array will eventually give WUNR, the site's owner,
20 kW-U DA-1 (using all five towers); WKOX's new signal will be 50
kW-U DA-2 (using the three towers in a line closest to the
transmitter building), and WRCA will get 25 kW-D, 17 kW-N, DA-2
(using all five towers during the day and towers 1 through 4 at
This effort has been in the works for a very long time, and
finally received local zoning approval late in 2006.
Endangered-species issues slowed construction significantly,
but all five towers were erected by April, 2007, and by December
the renovation of the transmitter building and the installation of
the new ground system were nearly complete. A week before
Christmas, the transmission lines to WUNR's old two-tower array
were relocated to temporary antenna-tuning units attached to two
of the new towers (numbers 1 and 2, which were sited at the same
relative bearing and spacing as the old towers), making it
safe to demolish the old towers and finish installing the ground
By December 30, 2007, most of the interior work had been
completed on the transmitter building—not to mention the
replacement of the old flat roof with a new peaked roof—but
progress was once again stalled, this time waiting for a permanent
power hookup so that the three new transmitters can be tuned up
and tested. We hope to be back there in the spring when all three
stations are on the air from their new transmitters.
Thanks to Grady Moates of LOUD&Clean Broadcast
Science, engineer for WRCA and WUNR, for the tour.
WUNR exterior |
Lonely old doghouse |
Back side of WUNR |
Transmitter row |
RF plumbing |
Transmitter row (II) |
WKOX phasor |
WRCA phasor |
WUNR antenna controller |
WUNR temporary tx |
Temporary ATU |
Copyright 2007 Garrett Wollman. All rights reserved.